The older folks read together about Jesus contemplating what lay ahead as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, then watched this clip from the excellent movie Stranger Than Fiction. In the movie, Harold learns that not only is his life being narrated by a fiction author, but that author is about to kill him off. When he finally gets hold of the manuscript, he can't bear to read the end, so his professor friend, played by Dustin Hoffman, does, then gives Harold the bad news that Harold indeed must die.
Both Jesus and Harold (Will Farrell's character) are facing death and both are questioning whether there might be an easier way, a way out. Will they choose to courageously move forward and fulfill their part in the Story? We know what Jesus does, but I'll let you watch the movie if you haven't seen it yet (it's good!).
Around the table, folks shared, in English and Spanish, about what they are facing in life and where they would like to have more courage. We took time to encourage one another. In other words, we saught to give each other courage as we face life. And I can't speak for everyone, but I left enlivened, with new determination to move forward in the parts of my life where I sometimes get stopped by fear.
Where do you need courage in your life? Jesus has been there and he walks with us through it, into new life.