Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bilingual Nutrition and Cooking Class

In collaboration with the OSU Extension Service, the Cornelius United Methodist Church hosted a 5-week class in nutrition and cooking that was in both English and Spanish.  

We began each class with a language activity, then instructor Matilde Rodriguez led us in an hour of conversation around nutrition.  In one class, as part of our discussion of the importance of fiber, we were given several food items and had to work with a team to place them in order from least fiber to most fiber.  Here are Nohemi and Eric, trying to put their foods in order:

For the second half of each class, we broke into groups and worked on two recipes.  Here is our instructor, Matilde, demonstrating the preparation of a healthy fish recipe. 

During our last class, participants put together master mixes for everyone to take home and use for the baking recipes we received. 

The Ensalada Vaquera (Cowboy Salad) in process--mmm.

Popeye smoothies.  Eat your spinach!

With around 12 participants at each class and a good mix of primary English speakers and primary Spanish speakers, the program was a success!  In addition to establishing new friendships and learning some new vocabulary, people were naturally invited to stay connected.  After learning about the the Community Table Food Pantry, three people with no previous connection to the church volunteered at the pantry the week following the end of the class!  It was wonderful to have them!

We will likely hold a similar class again in the spring!

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